Magic in the spring time...

Check out the behind the scenes!

Last year the day after Mother's Day I had one of the biggest flower hauls thanks to all the reduced leftover flowers that didn't sell the day before! Most of these flowers came from an M&S express store at my local garage. It was the end of the day when I rocked up and once I told the staff how I wanted to use the flowers they slashed the prices further and casually gave me many more bunches for free! It turned out that all the flowers would be going into the bin anyway later that night and at least this way I could create something beautiful before their beauty wilted away. It's amazing how supportive people can be in the contribution to art and expression!  

I'll be honest the sheer number of flowers initially overwhelmed me, too many possibilities for pictures! 

Earlier that week I'd come across a location while on a drive. A small patch of woodland with moss covered ground caught my eye and I could immediately envision an enchanted scene within it. I decided to attach the flowers to a dress I'd sourced from eBay and create a character that to me symbolised the coming of spring, my favourite season.

Scarlett, my lovely model joined me in the making of the dress!

And here's what the finished dress looked like!

On location Scarlett slipped into character so beautifully that the real life scene in front of me took my breath away. I can't describe the feeling when I see a picture that quietly lives in my head come to life in front of my eyes.

Here are the final shots created with the flowers gifted from a local garage, a dress from eBay, and a little bit of magic :) Hope you enjoy them!

A dream in Spring

The dream of life...

A silent song... 

If you're interested in learning more about my process check out my Creative Live course! -

Bella Kotak

Bella Kotak is a fine art and fashion photographer currently based in Oxford & London, England. An art lover from a young age she always knew that she would work within the creative industry. Photography changed her life when she picked up a camera and began a 365 project. From that moment she was hooked by this medium that translates thoughts and imagination into tangible form and has since been featured in several magazines around the world.