Click through to watch some workshop behind the scenes!
On a cold spring day I held my first ever Australian workshop in beautiful Melbourne. I couldn't help but be reminded of the first workshop I hosted back in 2015. Although that was held in the UK, it too was in early springtime. What can I say, it's my favourite time of year to create and to be able to share that passion with others gives me great joy!
This workshop had been months in the works. It was my first time to Australia and I soon realised that pulling together and holding a workshop turned out to be a wonderful way to meet and connect with local creatives!
A Floral Fairytale with Profoto A1s!
Behind the scenes at CreativeLive
Magic in the spring time...
Earlier that week I'd come across a location while on a drive. A small patch of woodland with moss covered ground caught my eye and I could immediately envision an enchanted scene within it. I decided to attach the flowers to a dress I'd sourced from eBay and create a character that to me symbolised the coming of spring, my favourite season....
Daughter of Spring...
I think it's a beautiful thing when creatives collaborate. I always feel that the work produced feels richer for the talented poured into it.
At the end of Autumn I was talking with the lovely Agnieszka from Agnieszka Osipa costumes as well as model, Maria Amanda. I was coming back to the UK after a few months of travelling in the US and was looking forward to channelling some creative energy into personal work...
Winter's Wildflower
Twilight in the Labyrinth
Bella Kotak + transFORM Gallery NYC - Opening Night
paradise romance...
The day was cold and bright when Lydia, India, and I made our way to the location where we would spend the day. I'd seen it in pictures but the reality took my breath away; A fairy home tucked away in a city. Lydia found it through magic of her own keen spirit. She always seems to find the most beautiful spaces. Madeleine, the owner of the home, greeted us at the door with hugs and a bright energy. I knew immediately we were going to be great friends from our previous communication and from her warm energy that presented itself that morning.
storyteller workshop part ii - the final images!
It's been exactly 4 weeks since Pratik Naik and I got together and hosted our Storyteller Workshop in London. In my last post I shared behind the scenes photos, the format of the workshop and my experiences of the day that I hosted. It's my pleasure now to share with you guys the finished images from everyone who attended! It's so interesting to see how each person has interpreted the same scene in their own styles.
storyteller workshop
On the 14th and 15th of March, Pratik Naik, from Solstice Retouch, and I organised a two day workshop in London! We decided to split the days and allow room to focus on our individual strengths. I would have a day to create and share my knowledge and Pratik would have his to lead people through an intensive one day retouching seminar.
a new year, a new journal & new resolutions!
After deliberating and talking about a new space for my blog for over a year, with the start of a new year comes new life resolutions and one of mine is to finally start doing everything I've been putting off and to give Passion a go.
At the end of last year I made the decision to leave architecture and commit full time to photography and all the things that I've wanted to do (but never found the time to). It's a scary decision but I'm hoping that with a positive attitude, hard work and lots of self motivation anything is possible. We're only here temporarily and I couldn't waste another minute feeling as though I wasn't doing what my heart drives me to do.
This year is going to be exciting. It's the year that I'm going to give everything I've ever wanted to do a go! I'm not going to let my nerves or self consciousness hold me back nor think or worry about failure. I will battle negative thoughts with bright positive light! No one can make our dreams come true but us right? ;)
You can still see my older blog posts here -
“If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.”